poniedziałek, 30 sierpnia 2010

my precious tibetan tsa-tsa

Tsa-tsa to malutka płaskorzeźba przedstawiająca Buddów, typowa dla buddyzmu tybetańskiego. Ta moja jest bardzo dla mnie cenną pamiątką z ostatnich wakacji.
Tsa-tsas are bas-relief with Buddhas images, typical for Tibetan Buddhist.
This one in my dollhouse is very valuable for me - it is a souvenir from my last holiday.

9 komentarzy:

  1. Piękna jest! No i super że miniaturka ;)

  2. It is really beautiful! My mum, who is a Buddhist, is also very particular about how her Buddha looks. She had mentioned to me once that he must look compassionate and kind preferably with a gentle smile and if his eyes are downcast, this means he's looking after the home :):).

    May I know where this was from? Did you go to Tibet for your holiday? It's a dream destination for me! :)

  3. Es maravilloso!!!
    Que precioso recuerdo de vacaciones te has traido.
    besitos ascension

  4. Pięknie prezentuje się na tym kominku. Całość tworzy ciekawą kompozycję.

  5. Thank you girls:))))
    Sans, I think he is Shakyamuni Buddha (because top of his right hand is facing upwards). Your Mum is right, and I can add that, Buddha you choose ought to have eye-pleasing proportions. You must really love it:)))
    I wasn't in Tibet, but I dream about it too... But this summer I was in Germany, in meditation center of Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Hugs for your Mum!!!

  6. Jest taki maleńki, a taki szczegółowy no nie? Nadal nie mogę się przestać na niego gapić:)))

  7. bello !!!!!
    un abbraccio ♥

  8. ¡Muy buenas compras!
    Aprovecho este comentario para darte la bienvenida a mi blog y espero que pases buenos ratos cuando lo visites.
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